I've been experiencing a lot of down time in profit from this blog. At the beginning, things were roaring, but they've come to an almost complete halt. Can you, my readers, please send over some ideas of ways to monetize my blogs. I'd be happy to follow referral links so that we both benefit.
Please no pay per click type of sites.
I'm also looking to find more good sites with surveys that actually pay and don't cost me anything.
Thanks!! Please leave comments with whatever ideas you may have!
Make $7.50 just to review my post by clicking on this link:
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Lag in money making
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10:57 AM
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Hi there, you can make money online taking surveys. I wrote about two such surveys here: http://flimjo.com/?p=43.
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I'm in the same boat. I have been going up and down in revenue since I started blogging. Still trying to figure out the best sources of income. Adsense works, but sometimes the clicks just dont happen.
Just keep blogging and things will start to go up!
Trust me, I've tried those survey sites. They structure it so that you make about $3.50 on your first day and 2 cents in the next month, so you never get to the $5.00 minimum offer. My suggestion is to make your blog popular through CONTENT and get advertisers to come directly to you with a flat ad-placement fee. Good luck.
Have you tried dneero.com? They're a survey site. I also noticed that you don't have any Project Wonderful ads. If I were you, I'd put just one above my EntreCard.
Good Luck!
I haven't found much in the way of passive website monetization, but I've had some success with referral-based sites.
Beyond that, it takes some effort (and a couple FF plugins at times), but you can make money through a collection of sites.
Selling Entrecard Credits on ebay is one way. I've seen 1000 credits go for as little as $4 or as much as $16, depending on who else is selling at the time and the overall market, and you can easily get 1000 a day by consistently dropping to your 300 limit (FF plugins required unless you want it to take all day) and the reciprocal drops and random contest wins will make up the difference.
The only survey sites I still use, are:
- pineconeresearch - as far as I know, they only open registrations intermittently now; and
- NFO MySurvey - much less money than pinecone (I'm picky about which surveys I do because some aren't worth the time) but I've still probably cashed out a decent amount since I started with them a couple years ago (I can send you an invite if you'd like, just email me at the ID above at yahoo).
I wouldn't ordinarily post my referral links, but you said you would be interested and it's more convenient for you to have them here instead of having to go to my site (you can always copy and paste this to a file for your own use and reject the comment if you choose).
Obviously you can make money with all of these by yourself, but they work better and offer more if you create a network of active members:
- Moola - Unless you're really lucky, you won't make too much just searching, but you can play games to double your money, and if you're skilled (and a little lucky), you could literally make a couple grand rather quickly: http://www.moola.com/moopubs/b2b/exc/join.jsp?sid=4d6a59744d5441334e6a593d-2
- Netwinner - To make these sites bearable, you need to use Adblock Plus add-on for FF. I was making $75 a month when I played all day, but you could easily hit a cash prize and win that instantly, or more. They've changed up the play limits a bit and I've been concentrating on my blog, so I'm not even sure if they have released the new Keno game yet or not, but it's in the works either way. Here's the link to my mostly updated list of partner sites (some offer additional prizes to what you win directly through netwinner): http://somebodyunfamous.blogspot.com/2008/01/so-many-sites-to-choose-from.html
- ShareaPic - You can make a small mint by starting a picture blog and posting all the pictures from your shareapic.net account. You don't have to post the pictures anywhere, as all uploads are automatically public and you'll get some pic views just from the site itself, but if you want to make real money, you'll have to get creative. The site is a little slow sometimes, but they are new, and they areupdating and adding servers, so hopefully they will have it all worked out soon: http://www.shareapic.net/ref.php?owner=Somebodyunfamous
- Blingo - A google search which gives you the opportunity to win (sometimes really nice) prizes. Referrers get matching wins, so this pays off well for top referrers and those who may not be lucky, but have lucky friends: http://www.blingo.com/friends?ref=6SYXx9iL28Hl-PgoTmjVLE272EU
- Winzy - Another search and win site, offering less and somewhat smaller prizes, but they also have an attractive points system, which encourages more use, and gives users a raffle-style chance at winning the larger monthly prize: http://www.winzy.com/f/Mouthliquor
Past that, my blog has been unsuccessful at getting any applications approved on CJ, but there are some smaller sites that offer direct referral sign-ups like the hypnotist Wendi Friesen - check out her site and what she offers, and if you're interested, the affiliate link is at the very bottom: http://wendi.com/cgi-bin/affiliate.cgi?wendi&3116
Let me know if you have any questions or comments, and again, all these links can be found on my blog in one place or another (mostly the sidebar). Hope these help and best of luck to you! Keep up the good work!
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